As Interventional Radiology continues to expand in its scope and complexity of procedures, it is important to improve and maintain high quality patient care. CIRSE Standards of Practice (SOP) documents can assist its members by providing contemporaneous and evidence-based reference on topics relevant to a wide-range of IR practice. Find out more about SOP documents from Dr Chun.
By Joo-Young Chun
A consultant Interventional Radiologist at St George’s University Hospital in London. As a member of the SOPC, she led the development of a new CIRSE SOP on conducting Morbidity & Mortality meetings in IR. She is also a member of the EBIR Examination Board and CVIR Endovascular Associate Editor.
Twitter: @JooYoungChun2
LinkedIn: Joo-Young Chun
What are they?
CIRSE Standards of Practice (SOP) documents are best practice guidelines, each one geared to a specific aspect of IR practice. Their aim is to improve and maintain high quality patient care in IR
Who writes them?
The CIRSE Standards of Practice Committee (SOPC) is charged with the task of creating and overseeing the production of CIRSE SOP documents. Expert IRs are invited to form a writing group, led by
a member of the SOPC. The group reaches consensus based on available evidence and produces guidelines for a specific area in IR.
Who is it for?
For all IRs and anyone who has an interest in image-guided procedures. There is a wealth of information and evidence in these documents that may be used as a reference for anyone wishing to
refresh their knowledge, start a new service or improve their IR practice.
Why do I think this is important?
Maintaining high standards is key to improving patient outcomes and promoting IR as a specialty. I have personally found the CIRSE SOP documents to be very useful and they provide a foundation
for my own clinical practice. They were also very educational when I was preparing for my EBIR exam.
Where can we find SOP documents?
They are available on the CIRSE website under ‘Education’ and ‘Standards of Practice Documents’. Or follow this link below:
Some example SOPs?
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