Aim for 10 words or less and try to grab the reader’s attention!
The text of the blog post should be 200-250 words.
The style of the blog is not formal academia. Posts are meant to be brief and engaging to draw readers in and give them an incentive to comment and start a discussion on the topic. However, posts
should not be offensive, should not contain company/product advertisements, or inflammatory or slanderous statements.
We’d like you to include plenty of hyperlinks to relevant websites (research articles, blog posts, news items, etc.) within the blog text, rather than use citations.
Please provide a photo relevant to the post, send it as a separate file or as a link to where they are hosted.
Please submit your blog post and include 2-3 introduction sentences to your post via email to info@cvirendovascular.org, the Editorial Office will post it online and let you know once it is live.
Please include a brief (two-line) biography of yourself with your submission. You can also provide an author image, your twitter username and any relevant websites if you like. Please also let us
know if you want to make your email address available to readers.
After publication
By submitting and publishing a blog post, authors are obligated to take part in the discussion and keep it going. The Editorial Office reserves the right to block users who write offensive
comments from future posts.
The views and opinions expressed in this blog are thorse of the authors and not necessarily of CVIR Endovascular.
By commenting on our blog, you are agreeing to abide by the following community guidelines. Although we will do our utmost to avoid this, CVIR Endovascular reserves the right to delete comments
posted by users if they are deemed to violate the following guidelines.
We ask that you:
You are responsible for the content of any messages that you post.
For complains about comments that break the guidelines please email info@cvirendovascular.org. We will monitor this inbox and respond to or act on all complaints in a timely manner.
Comments posted on our blog, are those of the individual and in no way represent the views of CVIR Endovascular.